Create your own encryption system

It's an enjoyable topic.
You may not want to create your passwords in usual, typical forms. I'll describe how to create your own basic encryption algorithm to raise your security level.
  • Open up a new note page.
  • Write these commands:
set x = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
   mySecret = inputbox("Write your password into the blank below")
              mySecret = StrReverse(mySecret)

   x.Run "%windir%\\\\notepad"
   wscript.sleep 1000
   x.sendkeys encode(mySecret)
   function encode(s)
      For i = 1 To Len(s)
        newtxt = Mid(s, i, 1)
        newtxt = Chr(Asc(newtxt)-3)
        coded = coded & newtxt
      encode = coded 
   End Function
  • In this code ''newtxt = Chr(Asc(newtxt)+3)'', the phrase of +3 implies that each element, letter or number included the password will be encrypted as the following 3rd element in your keyboard. If you want to create an original order, you can change this part of the code. If not, do not modify anything.
  • Save the page as .vbs file. ❗
  • Open the file again, type your password, which you want to make it switch, into the blank displayed there.
  • As you see, the password you registered in the previous step is written in its new encrypted form according to the order you made.
  • To solve the encrypted datum displayed,that is turn it back into the first form you registered, you should alter the command I mentioned, +3,  to -3, which is directly reverse regarding the algorithm you created at first.
