
Showing posts from April 8, 2018

Create your own encryption system

It's an enjoyable topic. You may not want to create your passwords in usual, typical forms. I'll describe how to create your own basic encryption algorithm to raise your security level. Open up a new note page. Write these commands: set x = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")    mySecret = inputbox("Write your password into the blank below")               mySecret = StrReverse(mySecret)    x.Run "%windir%\\\\notepad"    wscript.sleep 1000    x.sendkeys encode(mySecret)    function encode(s)       For i = 1 To Len(s)         newtxt = Mid(s, i, 1)         newtxt = Chr(Asc(newtxt)-3)         coded = coded & newtxt       Next       encode = coded     End Function In this code  ''newtxt = Chr(Asc(newtxt)+3)'' , the phrase of +3 implies that each el...

If celestial bodies were closer than as usual to the Earth, how would sky look like ?

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How to find somebody's IP address

In this topic, firstly, I should emphasize the value of IP address and what kind of tricks your victim would struggle with when being compassed. If somebody's IP address were stolen, the hacker would do whatever s/he wants with it, such as stealing the needful folder, studies or information, altering them, invading your private photos or videos, deleting or copying your important stuff, spying on, detecting your own location or number of your mobile phone. If it's not hidden, list even goes on to victim's personal identity number, so everything s/he has ever had. Unfortunately, the victim wouldn't be aware of these tricks. ❗ First of all, it is necessary to open your VPN. > FOR PC If your victim is one of your contact men and sent you an e-mail, you can display the detail info about e-mail and get to know the IP.  If not, send fake e-mails (by this website: ) to the victim and steal his/her e-mail account. Thus, you can obtain n...