How to find private e-mail addresses of companies

Firstly, I want to share basic and very brief summary of Metasploit terms with you, and then you can follow the steps below as a guide to bringing latent e-mail addresses of a company into the open.

Metasploit is basically a security tool used to attack and test a system or a network. If you need to make a simulated attack on computer system looking for security weaknesses, Metasploit will show the vulnerabilities and aids in this so called penetration testing.

Code which allows an attacker to take advantage of a vulnerability.

Actual code which runs on the system after exploitation.

Well, please simply have a look at following basic steps to break into a system by using Metasploit after gathering some information about the target system.
  • Select a right exploit and then set the target.
  • Verify the exploit options to determine whether the target system is vulnerable to the exploit.
  • Select a payload
  • Execute the exploit.

Let's move on to the our main aim via Metasploit;
If you want to hack some private files belonging to a corporation, your use of Metasploit may serves the purpose by means of social engineering attacks to connect their systems effectively.
  • Open Metasploit
  • Through the "use" command, choose "auxiliary/gather/search_email_collector" module. Display the parameters by typing the "show options" command. Then, it will do some research about e-mail addresses by using Bing, Google and Yahoo search engines.

  • Define your domain as "set DOMAIN" and start the module by typing "run" or "exploit" commands. 


(Compilation, excerpted from Mechasploiter)
