What's going on?

Hey everyone 🙋

Some of you may notice that I've been afk ("away from key", gamer jargon😎) for a few months. Now, I'm back here, created a cute scenic home-office (forest home, that's an unusual one) which is over the view of the Mediterranean Sea just to write this essay and explain what I've done so far.

(Btw, here I am! 👆)

From the time I shared my last post to the next two months I was studying for the English Proficiency Exam of my university. I successfully submitted it and became a freshman, then my vacation began. Up to now, I've had the classic enjoyable vacation time, which is full of fun, with my friends and family ; however, dealt with some private-life issues such as diseases (I hate being in hospital, the atmosphere usually annoys my aura and the smell makes me feel like everytime I breathe I put myself at the risk of being infected😝), home chores, driver's license. All these sound like usual stuff, but you're wrong. I'm not that person. The real Selin (I can see now you're like: "The real Slim Shady please stand up!" 😜) doesn't like being 'as usual' person, so doesn't want things to go as usual. Do you know why, indeed? When I became aware of the fine line between my life and death through the hospital case, I also became aware of the truth that our lifetimes are unfortunately limited and during the time we hide so many powers from ourselves in our deepest undiscovered sides. We even don't know about they exist, consequently these skills become unused. So, people should always fill their lives with meaningful positive life experiences not being captured by stress or sorrow of sth. Keep in mind and don't forget the fact that life is based on being on the move, -no matter you're facing with-. (You know there's an oldsaying: "Life is short and time is swift.") After this inference, I set my mind on uncovering my unknown talents at the university and keep working on improving myself as an avid learner. Another subtle point is that there's a lot of needies out there, being human does not mean that you do something just for the sake of your own benefits. For this reason, I also want to fulfill my voluntary-service dreams in favor of needies. This would be the most satisfying activity for me, not travelling around the world or not being wealthy and possessing such jewellery. This would be the time that I feel I'm alive. Anyway, soon I'll mention you my dreams, but now I'm again moving on telling what I've done until today. As I said before, this year I'm going to study as a freshman at the university. Thus, I quickly researched what to learn and got in contact with sophomeres who can shed light on my way so as to adjust myself to the new education year. Currently, I'm working on algorithms (this time in detail), the mentality of coding, data structures (stack,queue,tree), loops and multi-dimensional arrays. So far, I've studied and watched many video tutorials on Python (the programming language I recognize mostly) , HTML, CSS, Java and binary code. On the other hand, -you're a bit familiar with it due to my blog-  I'm keen on the tools and tricks of cyber security and have a thirst for it's systematical knowledge. Besides, most of the time I keep track of the YouTube channel of Selman Kahya (Sr. Software Engineer at Silicon Valley). He guides interested ones by publishing any kind of coding materials and organizes programming competitions, I'm planning to take part in one day. I'm just 19 and have never been such a busy bee before, not only studying for school but also planning my Work&Travel timeline (choosing the appropriate job for me and -of course- the shire, also preparing my background document), trying to make the best choice between accomodation options in Ankara (home and dormitory), and one of my biggest pleasure (at the same time really serious and rough thing): practising driving in training (acquiring new park skills😄) to finally get my license. Everything aside, these days my priority is to schedule what to do for the rest of my university years. I scratched something like below:

Summer 2019    WAT cultural exchange programme (USA, I've already enrolled💃💁)
Fall 2019-2020  - EU Youth / Volunteering Projects (somewhere in Europe, the latter is also called ERASMUS+)
(P.S. I can't believe we're gonna enter 2020 soon. Sounds weird. 😏)
Summer 2020  Internship (?)
2021                 - ERASMUS students' exchange program + Internship (USA)
Summer 2021   - Internship (? abroad)
2022                 Apply for Master's degree (USA)

In addition to these plans, I'll certainly develop many projects within my academic life at METU and insert those into my CV later. For a long time, I've been looking forward to cooperate in striking group works as an active member of the Computer Club or IEEE. In the following years, I will be very pleasent if my team-mates are as enthusiastic as me. Otherwise, I'm sure I'll make them eager for our creative teamwork through my own spreading energy🔥. Attending in contests like hackathons requires correctly-canalized motivation and strong bonds in the team. In fact, each partner should be willing to foster the team spirit and members are gathered well together. Knowing all the possible adversities, I want to share with you a quotation from a worldwide-known leader: "Be realistic, then aim for the impossible."

Well. I'm gonna finish my words with my opinions about WAT.

-simple life hacks
-communicating with the diversity of accents
-improving listening skills
-new friendships with a huge variety of people
-showing tolerance to your failures
-practical solutions to daily obstacles
-surviving with limited money
-land on your own feet
-orienting yourself to different rules
-detecting your weak sides
-sense of individuality and esteem towards every race
-collaborating with and being flexible in your crew
-learning to save your money and calculate the budget for a long term
-getting used to live in USA before your new life there
-disciplining your emotions
-manage crises and utilize them
-a catchy work experience in your CV
-getting out of your comfort zone
-adopting distinct measurement systems
-broaden your horizons by meeting open-minded people and break unhealthy taboos
-be more confident in your next life
-learn about a new culture and its domesticity
-do profitable shoppings ;)
-explore beautiful places on another continent
-deal with the jetlag of your transoceanic flight
-test and sense the best city for you to live in the future
-try the convenient ways of commuting and protect the nature
-manage your time efficiently
-stay so far away from your family and secure yourself as an adult
-routinize smiling as much as possible :)

I'll write about the details of the preparative process, the job-fair and interviews later. I hope this topic inspire someone over there. Here's a cheerful song for you : El Condor Pasa (If I Could) (I woke up humming this ooold song this morning and luckily found its name thanks to Siri and my dad.😍)

My next "to do" list :
-learning Latin dances 💃
-joining in European Voluntary Service projects (Erasmus+)

Stay with love! 😊
